Congratulations on making such an important decision, to not only lose that unwanted weight but also improve the quality of your life forever. As you begin this programme, you are taking the first steps towards transforming the levels of energy and vitality you experience every day of your life.
If you have been struggling with dieting, depriving yourself and feeling miserable in order to lose weight, I’ve got some good news for you! As of this moment you can stop struggling and remove the word ‘diet’ from your life!
That’s right! Removing it from your thoughts, language and actions will set you free, and put you on the path to discovering your true, happier, healthier and thinner self.
Is this a scary thought? Well, if you are one of those unfortunate people who have suffered years of endless diets, it might indeed be a bit daunting. Yet believe me, it’s the dieting that’s causing you to be overweight! So it’s time now to change your approach and experience a whole new way of eating, thinking and living.
In order to lose weight, and most importantly keep it off, I am going to introduce you to a new approach which will literally change your life forever! You will learn how to enjoy your food, nourish your mind and body, eat without guilt and create outstanding health and energy whilst at the same time losing weight easily. In fact, the weight loss is actually going to be a positive side benefit of all the other wonderful changes you are about to experience.
What this unique programme will unfold to you is the very best nutritional science available, adapted by myself over the past eight years to create outstanding results. My research has taken me all over the world; I have studied the eating habits of different cultures from the unhealthiest nations to the healthiest. Instead of studying what makes us fat, I have studied the eating and thinking habits of naturally slim people and combined them with what I believe is the most incredible health revelation available today, ‘The New Biology’.
‘The Old Biology’ was based on the findings of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) who ‘proved’ the germ theory of disease and invented pasteurisation. However, we now know that germs do not create disease. Many people who have germs do not develop a disease, it is the condition of the host that determines whether or not a germ develops into a disease. At one time we all believed the world was flat and that leeches could cure illness, now we all know better because we have progressed and have new evidence and a greater understanding. Through the use of high tech laboratories and microscopes, scientists today have been able to study the blood, giving us the information needed to substantiate The New Biology as scientific fact, not hearsay.
This programme will enable you to create outstanding health and energy, whilst speeding up the rate at which your body digests food, burns fat and eliminates toxins. You will be able to increase your calorie-burning capacity and enjoy delicious foods whilst still losing weight. You will feel more focused and motivated than ever before, and experience increased self-esteem, greater confidence and a renewed motivation for life.
The most significant impact of this programme is that you will experience a natural easing of your appetite. You will be able to eliminate cravings and, most importantly, develop a healthy, positive relationship with food. The effect of the programme is also anti-ageing and will give you an abundance of energy and vitality. You can throw away the diet books because once you experience this programme I promise ‘You will never need to diet again’!
This programme is not about counting the calories, fat, carbohydrates or protein. It’s not about deprival or sacrifice, quite the opposite in fact. It’s most definitely not a diet, rather a whole new experience that is enjoyable, easy and proven to be successful. It’s about listening to your body, practicing self-awareness and, most importantly, feeding our minds with nourishing thoughts and our bodies with nourishing foods.
I have used this same programme in my private practice for years. Many people just like you have experienced for themselves the groundbreaking information and transformational results. For example, to see how Sally lost over 8 stone, log onto www.breakfreeuk.com
So, it’s time right now to say goodbye to the burden of dieting and start afresh. It’s time now to STOP DIETING and START LIVING. With this new freedom you will be eating more delicious food than you have ever eaten before. You will be creating a healthy body and a healthy mind whilst reversing the ageing process, preventing disease and adding valuable LIFE TO YOUR YEARS.
Enjoy this program but, most importantly, use it. In order to attain the physical vibrancy that you desire and deserve, you must weave the information into the fabric of your life. Remember, physical health is the most important thing you can possess.
Congratulations once again on making the commitment to take action, and to create the body you deserve. I am so grateful for being given this opportunity to help you lose weight and keep it off permanently, and most importantly, to introduce you to a new way of eating, thinking and enjoying life to the fullest. It’s time now to get excited and passionate about making the change!
Diets do not work and we all know it! Well, those of us who have been unfortunate enough to have tried them do. Firstly, just ask yourself the following questions:
How many diets have you been on?
Have you tried a variety of diets?
Which one was the most successful?
Why did you do more than one diet?
Did you reach your ideal weight?
How long did you keep your weight off?
Have you put the old unwanted weight back on again?
Are you heavier now than you were when you first tried to diet?
Have you enjoyed dieting?
Does dieting often make you feel deprived and miserable?
By answering these questions honestly you have probably already come to the conclusion that, categorically, DIETS DON’T WORK! After all, if they did you would only have to do one! That’s clearly not the case. With over 250,000 diets currently on the market, it seems like another fad diet appears almost every month. The market is literally getting bigger and bigger. Yet with more diets on the market, more information, magazines, books, videos and diet food we are still, as a nation, getting fatter and fatter. Surely with all this information available we should by now have mastered the art of being eternally thin!
The diet industry is also getting bigger. It’s now a booming multi-billion pound industry which is cashing in on a growing epidemic! In fact, statistics now show that within a twelve month period 95% of all dieters put all the weight back on plus an extra two pounds. So not only do diets not work, they also make you fatter! Are you convinced yet?
Before we can go any further, you need to be totally convinced that DIETS DON’T WORK. In order to make permanent change you need to break free from the HABIT of DIETING. The habit of dieting is what causes the problem and gives you your weight issues. Once you break that habit you will be able to reach your goal weight easily and effortlessly - and maintain it. Diets create an unhealthy obsession with food: what we can’t have we naturally want more of. Anything forbidden eventually becomes compulsory!
Deprive yourself of anything and eventually you will overeat or binge on it!
‘Where intention goes, energy flows.’
To lose weight permanently, we need to ditch the word ‘diet’ from our every- day lives. We need to stop thinking about it, talking about it and searching for the next quick fix. Constantly being on a diet is making us focus on what we don’t want to be - FAT!
When we are overweight, we generally feel out of control of the foods we eat and the choices we make. When we give in to a food, overeat or binge we are giving away our personal power. It’s the same for all addictions - smoking, alcohol, drugs. The result is a feeling of weakness and failure.
To conquer this mental weakness, we need to reclaim our personal power and take back our self-control. By focusing on the dieting we are constantly giving what we DON’T want more power. We need to move towards what we DO want and give this our power instead.
As I said previously, ‘Where intention goes, energy flows’. This applies to everything in life. What we focus on becomes stronger and what we neglect becomes weaker. Think about a time in your life when you have been so driven and enthusiastic to achieve something that all you could think of was what you wanted. Did it come to fruition? Now think about something in your life you have neglected, maybe a relationship or friendship, your health or an interest - did it become weaker?
Well, this is one of the universal laws that seem to work for anything in life, especially your weight issue. By constantly worrying, talking and thinking about your weight or weighing yourself daily you are placing all your attention on the problem that you actually want to move away from, and giving the fat power to grow! You are focusing on what you don’t want instead of what you do want! – have you noticed how friends who always talk about losing weight remain fat!
Throughout this programme, I am going to ask you to turn your back and neglect what you don’t want and nurture and nourish what you do want, both mentally and physically. We are going to mentally starve the weight of all of your attention, and nourish the physical body with delicious foods that create what you really want - health, energy and a slender body.
The majority of people spend their lives running away from what they don’t want, never moving towards what they do want. They’re always complaining and being unhappy, constantly dwelling on their negative relationship with food. They get stuck and usually end up getting more of what they don’t want. This is how dieting affects us in the long run, we spend our time looking for the latest quick fix, berating ourselves, counting calories, talking about it, thinking about it constantly and obsessing about what we don’t want. That’s why we get stuck. We give the very thing we want to move away from POWER!!! The problem just gets worse and worse.
Think of the weight you were when you first began to diet. Now think of how many diets you have tried, how much thought and effort you have wasted only to end up heavier than when you started! Ask yourself, what else would you keep doing without getting results? What else would you keep doing that you knew was only going to make the situation worse?
To achieve permanent results, you need to know exactly where you are going and exactly what you want. You need clarity of mind to be able to reach your goal weight. Without clarity you will end up in an unhappy rut.
Once you have complete clarity you then have the power to achieve anything in your life.
Telling yourself you want to lose weight or ‘I wish I wasn’t so fat’ will not give you clarity or power. To create power, you need to look to the reasons motivating you to lose weight and the real reason you want to be slim. This is your outcome. It’s the way you want to feel when you have lost all the weight. Losing the weight is only the process that gets you to your goal. It’s a means to an end; it’s the end we need to focus on, this is what will give our life greater meaning.
List below, in order of priority, the 5 top reasons why you want to lose weight (negative feelings):
___________________________________ ‘Away’ motivation
Now list the top five reasons why you want to be slim (positive feelings):
____________________________________ ‘Towards’ motivation
These five reasons are your real motivation to lose weight. To simply say ‘I want to lose weight’ isn’t enough. You need to know and understand why. That’s how you achieve emotional leverage, the golden key to your freedom!
Now write down what a difference losing weight will make to your everyday life:
This emotional leverage will help you achieve your final outcome; this is the real reason for making positive change. Focusing on the weight loss is not enough; you need to focus on your outcome. You need to imagine how good you will feel, how life will be more enjoyable. These good feelings of pleasure will empower you and strengthen your willpower and motivation.
You also need to imagine what your life will be like if you don’t lose the weight. Historically you have got heavier, so it’s very likely you are going to get even fatter. Close your eyes and imagine yourself another stone heavier in five years time. How would you be feeling? How would your health be? How would your self-esteem and confidence be? How would your relationships be? Would you enjoy intimacy? What sort of clothes would you be wearing? Would you feel proud or ashamed of your body? Imagine the misery you would experience every day if you had not made the change. Focusing on this pain will empower you and strengthen your willpower and motivation. This process of visualisation is very powerful.
If in the past losing weight has been a difficult process for you, you have probably felt deprived, uncomfortable, hungry or irritable. It’s no wonder you have failed. Who in their right mind would put themselves through this discomfort voluntarily! Once you caved in and fell off the diet you no doubt felt like a failure, and then over time started to associate losing weight with discomfort. Repeating this process time and time again, as many dieters do, only perpetuates feelings of weakness and low self-esteem. These feelings become logged in our memory bank and the subconscious associates them with weight loss. Our subconscious number one priority is protection.
So now, every time you think about losing weight, your subconscious relates it to a negative feeling and does everything it can to prevent you from even trying, never mind succeeding. Most people would recognise this as ‘no willpower’ or the inability to get motivated. If the subconscious mind, the driving part of our mind, associates PAIN with change, it will do anything to avoid it and weight loss will be difficult, if not impossible.
To lose weight permanently, we need to attach feelings of PLEASURE to the process, this is another golden key we call ‘leverage!’ Weight loss can be a beautiful and liberating experience - providing we programme our minds for pleasure rather than pain.
In this programme there are no failures, the success is the journey, not the destination. The aim is to feel good every day, to enjoy delicious foods, to have bundles of energy, increased confidence and self-esteem and, most importantly, outstanding health. I want you to squeeze the juice out of life and live it in the moment.
There are no rules, so there are no failures. After all, rules are to be broken, aren’t they? There are no forbidden foods, no good foods or bad foods. Instead there are recommendations, which foods to eat and which to avoid.
There is no weighing or measuring, no calorie counting, no points or sins. No ridicule or berating, just encouragement and love. Instead of trying to act like a tall tree with your roots firmly in the ground and no room for movement, I want you to imagine yourself like the reeds on the bottom of the ocean. I want you to ‘go with the flow’ and take a relaxed approach to weight loss. If you start off with rules and rigidity, you are setting yourself up for failure before you begin. No person on this earth can remain rigid for the rest of their life!
All I ask is for you to have an open mind, be kind to yourself, love your body, nourish it with positive thoughts and nourishing foods and drop the need to be a perfectionist!
I suggest you buy a personal journal, too - there are some beautiful ones at www.amazonuk.com. The journal is ideal for setting your goals, developing your strategy, creating your leverage and reviewing your progress.
Settling for being overweight is settling for second-best in life. If we settle for being less than we know we can be we are not being fair with ourselves and this causes a lifetime of unhappiness. If what you see in the mirror doesn’t reflect your true soul, then you owe it to yourself to raise your standards and create a healthy body that you feel proud of. We only have one life, this is not a rehearsal, it’s the real thing.
I know if you implement the changes in this programme you will easily and effortlessly be able to achieve your goals. Remember, take baby steps, go slowly and reward yourself along the way. It’s time now to get moving, get excited and go for it! Be realistic when setting your target weight, though. Choose a weight you can maintain comfortably, as an unrealistic goal will always end in failure!